What is a niche and how do I choose one for my blog?

What is a niche and how do I choose one for my blog?
What is a niche and how do I choose one for my blog?

Niche is a topic that you write about most often, or even exclusively, in your blogs. Now, niche blogging is creating a blog to advertise a very specific market. Niche blogs are easy to monetize and they usually contain affiliate links, advertisements, etc., and that’s mostly how they become profitable.
How to choose a niche?
To become a successful blogger you will have to choose the right niche and work on attaining the highest form of knowledge within that topic. So pick the one that appeals to you—the one you are passionate about and most interested in. Strive for success, happiness, and recognition. By choosing the niche of interest and having your own point of view you’ll be able to differentiate your personal blog from the competition.

Following is a process that can help you find which niche is best for you:

·         Make a list of your interests or hobbies. Which topics fascinate you? List them all, for instance: internet education, games or cooking.
·         Next, list accomplishments you are proud of, such as musical talent, artistic talent or sports achievements.
·         Now, list difficulties you have overcome or defeated, such as: losing a significant amount of weight, recovering from a financial setback or managing a disease.
It’s not necessary for you to be an expert on the topic that you choose, but it is necessary to want to learn more about it. It’s necessary that you’re excited about it. When you’re disinterested in the topic, the readers will notice and they’ll stop coming to your blog, it’s as simple as that.
How do I find a profitable niche for my blog?
So, now you have your topic of interest, you’ve narrowed it down a bit, everything seems to be going great. What now? How do you start making money off of it?
Does a market search?
Well, the first thing you should do is check out the competition. A simple Google search for your niche would suffice. You can also check out social media networks, even paper magazines to figure out your competition and see whether you’ll have the audience you want. You can use free tools to get insight into the volume of searches so you can know what you’ll be dealing with.
If there are too many searches with a lot of competitive sites, you might want to narrow your topic down even more. Explore all the possible keyword ideas that would be of interest to the audience, so that you can find that sweet spot between great demand and low competition.
Check out how profitable your niche.
If you want to make money off your blog, you need to know whether the niche you’ve chosen is profitable enough. You can once again easily check this with a Google search. When you type in your keywords, are there any ads that pop up as the first result?
When brands or businesses are paying to advertise the products or services related to your niche, you’ll know you’ve picked a good topic, and you’ll be able to monetize your blog with ads.
A better way to monetize your blog might be through selling affiliate products. Amazon, for example, has a nice affiliate program that allows you to get a 10% commission when your blog sends a buying customer to them. Going back to the yoga niche, you could link to Amazon affiliate products like yoga pants, mats, etc.
Who is your ideal reader?
It’s a common misconception that a specific type of blog post will attract the right person when it’s actually the audience itself that dictates the type of content that a blogger should write about it. This is why you should always have your ideal reader in mind when creating a profitable blog.
Once you have an idea of who your ideal readers are, you can adjust the language you use in your posts, the tone of voice, the type of products you’ll market to them, etc.
Knowing the age group of your audience will help you determine their probable spending power, which will, in turn, let you know what types of products to promote. The lower their spending power, the cheaper the products you should market, and vice versa. It will help you determine your style of writing. If your audience is advanced in your niche, you can use topic-specific jargon, if they’re not, you’ll want to keep it simple.
Having a specific reader in mind will help you center your posts towards them, making writing easier, and your new job more enjoyable.